Updates & Events

Soaring to New Heights - Your Feedback Shapes our Journey!

At Calm Air, we believe in going above and beyond – and soaring to new heights. And this just isn’t a cliché, this is something we (and by we, we mean each and every one of us at Calm Air) live by every day and while we’ve had a few hiccups post covid, we’re coming back stronger than ever.  

As we’ve been recovering from COVID, we’ve dealt with challenges that have faced not only our whole industry; but our country as well; rising fuel costs, rising costs to raw materials, employment shortages, and an increase in unpredictable weather – and while many of these are simply beyond our control – we want to do everything in our power to ensure that while traveling with Calm Air you receive the best service possible. This includes: 

  • Reducing delays 
  • Minimizing cancellations 
  • Enhancing customer experience 
  • Improving communication 
  • Expanding flying options 

However, before we start listing off what we’re doing on our end – we want to take a very important step...engaging our customers – that's you.  

We invite you to participate in our survey by clicking on the link below: 


Please provide your contact information as a member of our team may reach out for further insights. 

Furthermore, we’re going to keep on listening – we will be hosting in-person listening events for select communities this summer.  

We’ll be happy to report back in the next couple of months.  

We aim to make you at home in the clouds – because, quite simply, you matter to us.  Up, up and away! 

