Updates & Events

Community Holiday Feasts are Back!

Holiday Feast - FINAL WEBPAGE.png (2.87 MB)

Gathering as a Community: 

Arviat | November 29

11:00 a.m. | LAES Students 
Location: LAES Gymnasium

2:30 p.m. | QMS & JAHS Students + Community Elders
Location: JAHS Gymnasium

Sanikiluaq | December 7

11:30 a.m. | Patsaali Students & Community Elders
Location: Patsaali School Gymnamsium

1:30 p.m. | General Community Feast
Location: Patsaali School Gymnamsium 

A Special Thank You:

We would like to send a very special thanks to the principals and teachers who volunteer their hearts and hands to make each of these events possible. We could not do it without you!

Patsaali School – Francis MacPhee
John Arnalukjuak High School – Chi Chi Arinze
Levi Angmak School – Tony Phinney & Bailey Greene
Qitiqliq Middle School – Doreen Hannak

Thank You to Our Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor & Host: Calm Air International Ltd

Food Sponsors: Calm Air International Ltd & Arctic Co-Op

